These two gigs were pulled together at short notice but got a good turnout nonetheless.
The best news was that Jim is back, and was on top form. However, Paddie couldn’t make it, so Charlotte Churchman stood in and did a great job, and brought a number from her repertoire – Stevie Wonder’s “What’s the Fuss”. Mel wasn’t there either, so we had Ross Stanley on the hammond. Jodie was’t available on the second night, so Ally McDougal from Tony’s band was on percussion and also sang “Let’s Get It On”.
This line-up had people with ages from each decade from 20s to 70s.
Thanks to Steven Cropper for these great photos from the Tuesday. See below for some ‘official’ videos from Wednesday!. Thanks also to Amal Abeyawarden for these audience videos of most of Wednesday’s set.
Here are some ‘official’ videos, thanks to Tony O’Malley, Roland Clarke and Doug Dean.